United Arab Emirates Just Transition Work Programme

This site offers an overview about UAE Just Transition Work Programme.

**Latest News**

The First Dialogue under the United Arab Emirates Just Transition Work Programme on “Just Transition pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement through NDCs, NAPs and LT-LEDs” took place in Bonn, Germany from 2 - 3 June 2024 in a hybrid format.

The presentations shared at the First Dialogue and webcast recordings of the sessions are available on the Event Page.

The Informal summary of the First Dialogue is now available: HERE

The Second Dialogue under the United Arab Emirates Just Transition Work Programme will happen later in 2024, prior to COP29.

Background Information

CMA decided, at its fourth session, to establish a work programme (WP) on just transition pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement outlined in Article 2, paragraph 1, in the context of Article 2, paragraph 2. (Decision 1/CMA.4, para. 52.) The work programme is implemented under the guidance of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation through a joint contact group to be convened at each of their sessions, starting at their sixtieth sessions (June 2024).

CMA, at its fourth session, also decided to convene, as part of the work programme on just transition, an annual high-level ministerial round table on just transition, beginning at its fifth session (Decision 1/CMA.4, para. 52.)

CMA affirmed that sustainable and just solutions to the climate crisis must be founded on meaningful and effective social dialogue and participation of all stakeholders and noted that the global transition to low emissions provides opportunities and challenges for sustainable economic development and poverty eradication (Decision 1/CMA.4, para. 50.) CMA also emphasized that just and equitable transition encompasses pathways that include energy, socioeconomic, workforce and other dimensions, all of which must be based on nationally defined development priorities and include social protection so as to mitigate potential impacts associated with the transition. (Decision 1/CMA.4, para. 51.)


The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, decided in Decision 3/CMA.5 that at least two dialogues shall be held each year as part of the work programme, with one to be held prior to the first regular sessions of the subsidiary bodies, starting with their sixtieth sessions (June 2024), and one prior to the second regular sessions of the subsidiary bodies, starting with their sixty-first sessions (November 2024), and that such dialogues should be conducted in hybrid format to allow both in-person and virtual participation. 

The Chairs of the subsidiary bodies invited Parties, observers and other non-Party stakeholders to submit views on work to be undertaken under, as well as possible topics for the dialogues under, the work programme via the submission portal by 15 February 2024, and in taking into considerations these submissions decided on the following topic to be discussed at the first dialogue: “Just Transition pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement through NDCs, NAPs and LT-LEDs”

First Dialogue under the UAE work programme on Just Transition Pathways

The first dialogue took place in Bonn, Germany from 2 - 3 June 2024 in a hybrid format. Two half-day sessions occurred on 2 June 2024 from 13:00 to 17:00 and 3 June 08:00 to 12:00.  

The presentations shared at the First Dialogue and webcast recordings of the sessions are now available on the Event Page.

The Informal summary of the First Dialogue is available: HERE

The Second Dialogue under the United Arab Emirates Just Transition Work Programme will happen later in 2024, prior to COP29.


The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) at its fourth session decided to convene, as part of the work programme on just transition for discussion of pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, an annual high-level ministerial round table on just transition, beginning at CMA 5. (Decision 1/CMA.4, para 53)

The first annual high-level ministerial round table on just transition, convened at CMA 5, took place on 3 December 2023. It provided a platform for high-level discussions on the pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement as outlined in Article 2, paragraph 1, in the context of Article 2, paragraph 2. The aim of the round table was to facilitate a focused exchange of views, information and ideas among participants with the goal of providing direction to and recommendations for the work programme on just transition pathways. The round table was attended by over 90 high-level representatives of Parties, including ministers, deputy ministers, climate envoys, heads of delegation and representatives of observer constituencies. It was co-chaired by Roselinda Soipan Tuya, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry of Kenya, and Eamon Ryan, Minister for Transport, Climate, Environment and Communications of Ireland.